Santa Barbara City College Course Outline

MATH 110C - Support for Statistics and Liberal Arts Math

Support for Statistics and Liberal Arts Math
Mathematics (Masters Required)
0 - May not be repeated
A review of core prerequisite skills, competencies and concepts for elementary statistics and liberal arts mathematics. Intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in Math 117 Elementary Statistics, Math 114 Mathematics for Liberal Arts Majors, or Math 108 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers at Santa Barbara City College. Review topics include skills developed in elementary algebra and intermediate algebra, translation from English to algebra, evaluation of literal expressions, solving and graphing linear equations and calculator skills.
32.000-36.000 Total Hours
Total Hours
64.000-72.000 Total Hours
32.000-36.000 Total Hours
Prerequisite: MATH 107 or equivalent based on SBCC's Assessment Center placement via multiple measures
Prerequisite or Corequisite: None
Concurrent Corequisite: MATH 117 or MATH 114 or MATH 108
Course Advisories: None
Limitation on Enrollment: None
Course Objectives:
Use specific study habits, such as the use of reading and metacognitive strategies, to improve understanding and performance.
Accurately utilize interval and inequality notation, and construct corresponding graphs.
Simplify and manipulate algebraic expressions.
Solve literal, linear, and rational equations.
Use the above mathematical concepts and techniques to analyze, translate, and solve word problems.
Graph linear equations using slope-intercept form.
Student Learning Outcomes
MATH017C SLO1 - Use a problem solving process to extract relevant information and execute relevant algebraic calculations/simplifications.
MATH017C SLO2 - Interpret results derived from algebraic calculations relevant to the solution of a problem.


The following topics should be covered with a focus on skills development and just-in-time remediation for statistics/Liberal Arts Math with an emphasis on modeling in data analysis and symbolic logic,  and the development of study habits that promote success in statistics/Liberal Arts Math:


  1. Algebraic Expressions – simplify and evaluate
  2. Rational Exponents
  3. Polynomials

a.    Introductory study of factoring

b.    Solve Equations by factoring

c.    Quadratic Formula

d.    Graphing quadratics

  1. Rational Expressions and Equations

a.    Solve Equations

b.    Introduction to Graphing

  1. Inequalities – Linear, Absolute Value

a.    Solve

b.    Graphing

c.    Introduction to non-linear inequalities

  1. Radical Expressions and Equations – Square Root

a.    Rational Exponents

  1. Introduction to Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
  2. Functions – Polynomial, Rational, Radical, Exponential, Logarithmic

a.    Function Notation

b.    Domain and Range

c.    Introductory graphing

  1. Systems of Linear Equations in two variables
  2. Sequences and Series: Summation Notation
  3. Algebra and Composition of functions
  4. Inverse functions
  5. Affective Domain experiences such as the use of reading and metacognitive strategies to improve understanding and performance.


    Methods of Instruction
    Directed Study
    Student activities, groupwork, and computer-facilitated instruction (optional).

     The accountant for College Sound Company has analyzed sales and discovered that if the selling price of one speaker is $225, then they will sell 260 units per month. However, if the selling price is $270 then they will sell 240 units per month. Assume that the equation relating the number of units sold, y and the price per unit, p, is linear. Find an equation for y in terms of  p.

    A. Writing Assignments: Students must work on assigned mathematical problems requiring the manipulation of abstract symbols. B. Appropriate Outside Assignments: Students will be expected to spend a sufficient amount of time outside of class to practice techniques taught during class time, read assigned materials, and complete homework assignments. C. Appropriate Assignments that Demonstrate Critical Thinking: Students must demonstrate mathematical skills such as equation solving and graphing which involve analyzing information, recognizing concepts in new contexts, and drawing analogies. Critical thinking will also be emphasized through numerous treatments of word problems.

    A grading system will be established by the instructor and implemented uniformly. Grades will be based on demonstrated proficiency in subject matter determined by multiple measurements for evaluation, one of which must be essay exams, skills demonstration or, where appropriate, the symbol system. 1. Independent exploration activities which measure students’ ability to analyze the connections between the numeric, algebraic, and verbal representations of various types of algebraic expressions, equations, inequalities, and functions when applied to real-world problems and data analysis. 2. Quizzes and exams, which measure students’ ability to work independently using graphic, numeric, and algebraic techniques. 3. Homework in which students apply graphic, numeric and algebraic principles discussed in class to a series of practice problems to help them formulate questions and receive feedback from the instructor, tutors, or classmates. 4. (Optional) Computer laboratory assignments in which students apply algebraic principles and problem-solving techniques discussed in class to help students identify gaps in their skill attainment and concept mastery and to improve their symbolic manipulation abilities and problem-solving skills. Out-of-Class Assignments 1)Problem sets 2)Exploratory activities and/or projects 3)Reading and/or writing assignments
    • Projects/activities created by SBCC Math Faculty
    Board of Trustees: 04/09/2020
    CAC Approval: 03/30/2020