Santa Barbara City College Course Outline

MATH 210 - Linear Algebra

MATH 210
Linear Algebra
Mathematics (Masters Required)
0 - May not be repeated
Finite dimensional vector spaces, linear independence, basis, systems of linear equations, linear transformations, matrices, LU factorization, change of basis, similarity of matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, applications, quadratic forms, symmetric and orthogonal matrices, canonical forms, and introduction to infinite dimensional vector spaces.
64.000-72.000 Total Hours
Total Hours
128.000-144.000 Total Hours
64.000-72.000 Total Hours
Prerequisite: MATH 160
Prerequisite or Corequisite: None
Concurrent Corequisite: None
Course Advisories: None
Limitation on Enrollment: None
Course Objectives:
Compute the matrix for a linear transformation.
Solve Ax=b by elimination, the invertibility of A, or LU factorization.
Determine basis and dimension of vector spaces, especially for column and null spaces of A and the transpose of A.
Project a vector onto a subspace.
Use the Gram-Schmidt procedure to find an orthonormal basis.
Compute determinants using their properties.
Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
Diagonalize a matrix, compute its powers, and its exponential matrix.
Write quadratic forms as matrix products using real, symmetric matrices A.
Apply Linear Algebra to problems such as systems of differential equations, finite difference equations, graphs and networks, Markov matrices, Fourier matrix, Fast Fourier Transform, and linear programming.
Student Learning Outcomes
MATH210 SLO1 - Solve Ax=b using a variety of methods such as Gaussian elimination and inverting the matrix A.
MATH210 SLO2 - Identify a linear transformation and find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenspaces.
MATH210 SLO3 - Diagonalize a matrix or determine why it is not possible to do so.
MATH210 SLO4 - Orthogonalize bases using the Gram-Schmidt process and produce unique representations in terms of these bases.
MATH210 SLO5 - Prove Linear Algebra theorems and corollaries using appropriate writing techniques involving topics such as linear independence of vectors; properties of subspaces; linearity, injectivity, and surjectivity of functions; and properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
MATH210 SLO6 - Apply Linear Algebra to problems in the sciences.
  1. Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices
    1. Gaussian Elimination and LU factorization
    2. Homogeneous Systems of Linear Equations
    3. Matrices including special matrices such as Diagonal, Triangular, Elementary, and Symmetric
    4. Matrix Operations including the transpose of a matrix
    5. Rules of Matrix Arithmetic
    6. Methods for finding the Inverse of a Matrix
    7. Techniques For Solving Linear Systems such as Gaussian and Gauss-Jordan Elimination and Inverse Matrices
    8. Relationship between Coefficient Matrix, Invertibility, Solutions to a System of Linear Equations, and the Inverse Matrix
  2. Determinants
    1. Evaluating Determinants by Row Reduction
    2. Properties of the Determinant Function
    3. Cofactor Expansion; Cramer's Rule
  3. Vectors in 2-Space and 3-Space
    1. Introduction to Vectors (Geometric)
    2. Norm of a Vector, Angle between vectors, Orthogonal vectors
    3. Vector Arithmetic
    4. Inner Product; Projections
    5. Cross Product
    6. Lines and Planes in 3-Space
  4. Vector Spaces
    1. Euclidean n-Space
    2. General Vector Spaces
    3. Subspaces
    4. Linear Independence and Dependence
    5. Basis and Dimension
    6. Finding basis for Row, Column, Null, and Left Null Spaces; Rank; Nullity
    7. Inner Product Spaces
    8. Length, Orthogonality, and Angle in Inner Product Spaces
    9. Orthogonal and Orthonormal Basis; Gram-Schmidt Process; QR factorization
    10. Coordinates; Change of Basis
  5. Linear Transformations
    1. Definition of Linear Transformation
    2. Properties of Linear Transformations; Kernel and Range
    3. Linear Transformations and Inverse Linear Transformations
    4. Matrices of General Linear Transformations
    5. Similarity
  6. Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Eigenspaces
    1. Definitions and Introduction
    2. Diagonalization
    3. Orthogonal Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices
  7. Applications
    1. Approximation Problems; Fourier Series
    2. Quadratic Forms
    3. Other applications as time and interest allow
Methods of Instruction
Lecture is the primary activity, along with student problem solving. Students are expected to work outside of class on reading the text and on assigned exercises that may include the use of a computer algebra system, and supplemental reading as determined by the instructor.
-Problem: Suppose k and m are two distinct eigenvalues of a 2 by 2 matrix A. Prove that the columns of A - kI must be multiples of an eigenvector for m.
1. Appropriate Readings: Students are required to read assigned chapters in texts. 2. Writing Assignments: Students must work assigned mathematical problems requiring the understanding of abstract ideas. 3. Appropriate Outside Assignments: Students will be expected to spend a sufficient amount of time outside of class to practice techniques taught during class time, read assigned materials, and complete frequent homework and computer assignments. 4. Appropriate Assignments that Demonstrate Critical Thinking: Students must demonstrate mathematical skills which involve analyzing information, recognizing concepts in new contexts, and drawing analogies. They must also analyze logical arguments for validity and write proofs of their own using both inductive and deductive reasoning within a logical system. Students will also learn to use software tools in solving problems from linear algebra.
A student's grade will be based on multiple measures of performance in the solving of problems, designing of mathematical models, preparation and analysis of graphs, and analysis of logical arguments. Such measures will include at least four one-hour exams and a comprehensive final examination requiring demonstrations of problem solving skills. In addition, instructors may make use of quizzes, written homework assignments, or other appropriate means to judge a student's dexterity with mathematical skills and familiarity with mathematical vocabulary and methods of proof.
    Linear Algebra and Its ApplicationsLay, D. C., Addison-Wesley, 2015Introduction to Linear AlgebraStrang, G., Wellesley - Cambridge Press, 2016
Board of Trustees: 12/12/2019
CAC Approval: 11/18/2019